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Tips to Make Your WordPress Blogs Less Boring

We all are aware of the fact that WordPress is the most popular CMS in the market and holds about 23% of the websites that run on the net. From small organizations to big brands, bloggers to individual writers, everyone prefers to use WordPress development as it is easy to use allows to copy and paste the content into the editor and publish the new blog post for the world to see.

Tips to make your wordpress blog engaging

Publishing blogs is common with WordPress, but one problem is that your WordPress website should look good and offer high quality content. And for this, there are a few things that you need to consider to make your website look attractive to the users.

Design is Important:

High quality content is one of the most important things for your WP website, but design is equally important. So, if you want your visitors to read your blogs and share the content online, then create a design that is visually appealing to the readers. The standard WordPress editor is easy to use, but it is just a basic, and does not allow you to change without a bit of coding. And for this, you need to depend on your web designer. But WordPress development allows making visual changes within their editing system without even adding some different plugins.

Don’t Create Content within WordPress:

Before writing a post, spend some time on doing a thorough research and don’t just copy and paste it into WordPress. Once you have written the content using MS Word, just don’t copy and paste it into WordPress as it transfers some messy codes from the text editor that you may be using. Instead a right click on the white space of the blog and selecting paste and match style is a better option which will give you a clean post to work.


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Use Heading and Sub Headings to Make Your Content Attractive:

Heading and subheading makes it easier for the readers to consume your content. It breaks up the content with little milestones. Since headings are much bigger than the normal font size, readers can easily understand what the content is all about. It also helps to highlight the content based on the theme and for this, the editor helps to change the size, style and colour of the font.

Use a Clear Font Style:

Always try to use a clear font style for your blog posts as this will make it easier for the readers to continue reading. Any unclear style will cause irritation among your readers and they may simply move away from your site. A clear text helps to keep them hooked to the content and also come back for more.

Use Images to Boost the Visual Level:

Adding images to your WordPress content is an excellent means to keep the visitors engaged while they read the blog.  This helps to communicate your point on a more visual level. But don’t use cheese stock photos, instead opt for something that is more helpful for the readers. Once you have selected the images, you can easily align the tool to make it aligned accordingly.

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Use Links Throughout Your Content:

Another most important thing that you need to consider while writing content for your WordPress website is to include internal links to the pages or posts on the website. Try to use internal links to the other pages or posts on your content as such helpful links will allow your users to navigate through your site easily and consume more content.


Making your WordPress site and your content attractive is the best means to attract your readers and keep them hooked to your site for a long time.

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