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The Future Possibilities of JavaScript

The software industry is continuously evolving and there are various cutting edge programming languages to create different software applications. Many of them have become completely redundant today and many new languages are emerging with high frequency to meet the demanding needs of the users.

These languages are used to create new apps having advanced features that cater to various business needs. One such feature rich language is the JavaScript that holds a strong position in the list of programming languages and developers fall in love with it again and again.


The Future of JavaScript

About more than 15 years without any major update, last year it was updated and Ecma finally released the ECMAScript 6, a comprehensive update to standardized JavaScript. The JavaScript ecosystem has made the programing language more accessible to work with across the development spectrum. Angular extends HTML syntax to this language and streamlines the coding process with dependency injection and data binding.

TypeScript, CoffeeScript and etc. bring in developers using other languages by compiling to JavaScript. The development of HTML5 entwines it with the future of the markup language and Node.js gives it a cross platform runtime to conquer embedded devices and servers and etc.

Features That will be Considered More Critical This Year

The native module system is new to JavaScript, but this is not new to programming languages, Dependency management, modules and loading are what most programmers consider as basic requirements. Most developers agreed that modules were the most important critical addition and the promises behind the modules were important as well.

Learning the new module syntax will be much easier since the concepts are very similar to Common JS. The native JavaScript module syntax will run everywhere and the non-native modules like common JS, UMD, AMD will become obsolete.

Though Javascript has made great advancements that are far beyond simple browser interactivity, the concept of the language as glue is applicable in runtimes such as io.js, Node.js and Google’s V8 engine. These runtimes allow the developers to build desktop apps that run in JavaScript, leveraging one language that wrap it into the future servers, various devices making it truly cross platform.

As long as web have Internet Explorer and other major search engines like Chrome, Safari, Firefox competing with each other, the landscape will shift and this will definitely be a good thing for JavaScript development.

Another major area where JavaScript took a lot of time to catch on is the Microsoft space. Till the TypeScript was released, Microsoft never offered anything meaningful tools to the developers.

The developers were comfortable using .NET and C# on the server and TypeScript made the language feel natural to the developers giving them a compiler like feel. This tool takes what the developers write and puts it through the syntax checker and applies a set of rules to JavaScript making it more comfortable for writing.

JavaScript does not have classes, but the class syntax was added last year and its purpose is to offer a clear and simple syntax for creating objects and dealing with inheritance. So the benefits to those who have started using JavaScript from a traditional OOP language are clear.

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