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Steps to Migrate from Magento 1 To Magento 2

Migrating your store for your existing platform to an updated one requires great attention. Even if you have plans to move from one platform version to another, there is no magical button that can make everything work in the right manner.

Magento is a popular e-commerce platform and most business owners prefer to use it because of its rich features and functionalities that help them to remain ahead of the market competition. Magento development has come up with numerous versions and while migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2, you have to deal with themes, customization, database import and extensions issues.

Migrate from Magento 1 to Magento 2

Though there are a lot of things that you need to consider, the good news is that the time and resource on database transfer can be reduced and the entire process can be made less complex by following some interesting tips.

Extension compatibility and migration:

While you upgrade to Magento 2, you might need some efforts from your end. If you have deployed multiple extension on your store to offer its rich features, then it could be possible that you have come to realize there are certain extensions that are used more frequently and also need some enhancements whereas on the other hand there may be some extensions that are seldom used.

During Magento migration, you can pick the ones that you use and remove those offering redundant features. Once you have shortlisted the extensions, check the compatibility with your Magento 2 store.

Importing product and customer data:

Magento development has come up with a handy tool that assists with importing the product and customer data to the Magento 2.0 version. The Data Migration Tool helps to transform data to the store and verifies the uniformity between Magento 1 and 2 databases structures, creates logs, tracks the data transfer progress and also runs data verification tests. It basically operates in three different ways:

  • Migrating the configuration settings
  • Migrating the main data in the database
  • Transferring the data updates to the admin panel and the storefront
  • Theme migration:

This is another crucial part that you need to consider while migrating from Magento 1 to Magento 2. The latest version aims to deliver great shopping experiences to the customers who come to visit the online store. This gives an additional point and also advocates in the favor an upgrade to Magento 2. Since the structure of 1 and 2 are different, it is not possible to directly utilize your old theme for your new store.

You have to build the theme for the new store from scratch, like any extension that is not upgradable. So to offer your customers with an interactive and responsive website, you will need to follow the suggested tips for theme migration.

Decide upon the website functionality:

Before migrating from one version to another, it is very important for you to decide the functionality that you want from your old site to the new one. There may be certain sections in your store that you may happily remove or just include some other third party extension for better performance. This is a great time to review your site for any unwanted features and add something new and important.

Importing the media files:

Media file migrations are different from migrating any product and customer data. For media, you have to manually do the migration task and the process of migrating media files should be handled carefully and with great expertise.

“So to conclude, I can say that to begin for a Magento 2 migration, preparation is essential. It is important to prepare the list of extensions, features and also the theme that you want in your new site. Following some important tips will help you plan and make the migration process easy and smooth.”

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