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Maximize the Agility Needed To Deliver Seamless Personalized Experience


Sitefinity CMS is a highly preferred platform used by business owners because of its immense scalability and flexibility. The advanced applications built on this CMS make online business management user-friendly and effortless by offering a real time view of various business processes.

But sometimes maintaining your Sitefinity website can become a big issue for you. Whether you need regular support or security or accessibility updates or just want professional guidance, we at IDS Logic can help you through all the everyday niggles of Sitefinity support and maintenance to keep your site well performing.

Our Sitefinity Support and Maintenance Services Include:

  • Sitefinity latest updates and support solutions
  • Security auditing, updates and web application support
  • Specific eCommerce maintenance– payment integration, shop help and etc.
  • Copywriting and content assistance that makes your website and effective marketing tool
  • Data backups and redundancy to reduce downtime
  • Multilingual services that include translation while considering both lingual and cultural differences
  • SEO auditing, maintenance and updates

If you are using an older version of Sitefinity, then we can help you to upgrade to a higher Sitefinity version and offer an elegant and advanced site that supports and automates your marketing campaigns and at the same time optimizes your social media efforts.

Sitefinity support services

Why should you Avail Sitefinity Maintenance and Support Service?

Sitefinity comes up with regular updates that are necessary to be implemented on your site to avail better functionalities and enhance the business processes.

Get Product Updates:

Hiring a Sitefinity support and maintenance service provider is a cost effective means to benefit from the latest product innovations and features. With every new release, there comes numerous bug fixes and improvements that are easily made available with active maintenance.

Best Technical Support:

IDS Logic offers the best Progress Sitefinity technical support that includes 24X7 monitoring of your site and quick response to business critical issues. Our Sitefinity support engineers have in depth knowledge of the CMS and are always ready to help you.

Weekly Bug Fixes:

With our maintenance services, we will fix the bugs on weekly basis and release fixes as soon as the version and the patches are released. We help our customers and partners having their businesses in Australia, Canada, U.K, and US to address important issues for specific use cases without having to wait longer.

New Tools and Product Roadmaps:

You will be the first one to learn and play with the upcoming product releases and also the new tools. Any bug reports from your site will be treated with higher priority.

Special Services and Offers:

Customers having active maintenance will surely get access to special offers and promotions from us and avail the benefits first.

Manage Your Progress Sitefinity Website Performance Smoothly with Latest Updates

Keeping your site updates with migration, ongoing support, latest upgrades help to reach heights of team productivity, streamline business operations and get a smooth flow of your content.


Sitefinity Maintenance is Here to Stay

  • Secure and stable application: Our maintenance and support model is specifically designed to address your prime concerns. This helps you to focus on your core business activities and ensure better productivity.
  • Minimum downtime: With the concepts of adaptive, corrective and preventive maintenance, our technical team ensure that your website is always up and running, supporting all your daily activities and business operations.
  • High speed and performance: Our technical team pursues ongoing performance evaluation of your site and tunes activities for the application.

Our Years of Experience Makes a Difference

At IDS Logic, we have offered Sitefinity maintenance and support right from the time it hit the market and hence gathered expertise in handling it. With numerous clients across the globe having trusted us for their Sitefinity websites, our technical experts offer customized application solutions to transform your online business capabilities to higher standards that will make you remain ahead of your competitors.
As a Sitefinity featured partner, IDS Logic assists the clients to bring additional software capabilities to their project. The Data Direct product is maintained by Progress Sitefinity developers and is integrated with impressive systems that include Dynamics, Hubspot, Google analytics, AQL Azure and etc. The data Direct drivers offer various Sitefinity performance tuning options that can add up to 500% improvement in the performance. IDS Logic suggests using this product for Sitefinity optimization and to reduce integration capabilities and improve reliability and speed with third party resources.

Sitefinity website maintenance experts

Frequently Asked Questions

  • My Sitefinity website is running low. What can be done?
    There are many things that can affect the performance of your website. Our team will perform a complete audit of your website codes, the hosting environment and the hardware topology to find out the root cause of the issue. We will then suggest some solutions and after your approval we will work on it.
  • We want to migrate to Sitefinity. Can you help?
    There is no problem in it. We will understand your requirement and offer advice on the content architecture and automation of the migration process. Since Sitefinity is an extensible system, it is very important to ensure the right architecture for scalability and easy maintenance later on.
  • Can your team fix a bug in old, unsupported Sitefinity version?
    Yes, our team of Sitefinity experts can do it as the CMS platform is extensible and allows the developers to modify and change every aspect of the system. In case we cannot help you, we will suggest some most suitable solutions and assist you at every step to resolve the issue.
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