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Scheduling a Migration to SharePoint? Know the Advantages First

If you have decided to go ahead with a SharePoint migration plan, then there are a few things that you should know before you start. SharePoint always comes with updates that are rich in features and functionalities and they are really interesting and helps corporates to increase their collaboration among staffs, partners, but SharePoint migration needs proper planning and scheduling.

SharePOint Migration Advantages Thumbnail

Have you ever thought of having an option to schedule the process of SharePoint migration and running it at a later point of time?  That would be really helpful if the migrations are all run automatically whenever you need without having any manual interference. Let’s help you understand this with some examples.

Some Scenarios Why Auto SharePoint Migration Scheduling is Better?

Assume that you have already assigned the task of SharePoint development migration data from your same source to the same destination daily in order to get the destination synched with the source. This can be easily done by configuring the options without any issues. But at times while doing the same work manually, there are chances you misconfigure some options which might result in corrupting the data. There are also chances that you might forget to do the migration at times.

Here, let’s consider one more scenario where your business has assigned a job to the technical person to move the data from On Premise to SharePoint Online on the specific date, before the specific time as the on premise servers will be installed after. But by chance if you get a reminder via your personal app, but still cannot do the migration simply because you are not in front of the machine or due to some other work, the result will not only affect your job, but the organization will also lose crucial data.

So scheduling your SharePoint migration beforehand would be much easier for you and relaxing at the same time. To do this job automatically there are some tools that can meet your requirements perfectly. Not only in the above scenarios, but in most of your scheduling requirements can be achieved by using a scheduling feature in the SharePoint migrator tool.

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What Are The Advantages Of Scheduling A SharePoint Development Migration?

  • With scheduling, you can run the migrations in not so busy hours so that the SharePoint sites don’t go down because of resource utilization and users can also access the websites without getting much affected.
  • If you have plans to migrate huge amounts of data to ensure a successful migration and avoid any server related issues, then its best to schedule the migrations when the servers are free and the resource availability is also high.
  • It is best when you want to sync the file system with SharePoint document libraries
  • When you want to target the library in sync with the source libraries
  • In order to migrate the data from a source on which some operations are being carried on and you also know the average time when the operations will be completed, you can calculate the One Time Run task to schedule your SharePoint migrations.


SharePoint migration is not a daunting task, but it needs proper planning so that there is no loss of data and time. Automatic scheduling of the migration process is of great help for organizations.

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