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Sitecore CMS: Developer’s & Marketer’s View

Customer experience holds a strong place and is becoming a critical differentiating factor for brands across varied industries. Customers are now more powerful and the markets are becoming highly competitive due to digital transformation.So organizations are using the best CMS to create and manage multiple websites and develop and manage sites or portals by using the latest technology Sitecore.

Sitecore CMS Benefits

Though Sitecore development can be a larger initial investment, the potential return is also great. It is more than just a CMS and offers more features and benefits.

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Why should you choose Sitecore for your future CMS project?

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Sitecore is a popular enterprise CMS that has already powered more than 32,000 websites and its unique and specific features of the platform has forced the enterprises to invest in the leading WCMS that has offered the ability to innovate and accelerate business growth.

The Developer’s Perspective:

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Sitecore development offers a great and an improved experience for the developers and this allows them to spend less time in making minor changes, which is an advantage to them.

  • Easy deployment: The Sitecore architecture enables the developers to deploy and manage an unlimited amount of code across various sites in an instance.
  • Extensibility:  Sitecore has created an EXM (Email Experience Manager) to meet most of the needs of enterprises, because the team knows that each organization has their unique needs. Adding latest features, plugins and extension to the existing software or adding new site is important for business growth and the Sitecore platform makes changing the instance very easy and cost effective.
  • Separate design and content: Sitecore development allows both content management and content delivery and this helps the developers to separate the facilities into distinct environments. This often leads to many advantages for the developers that include easy scalability, security, administration and performance.
  • Quick development: The CMS makes the developer’s life much easier by increasing the speed and reducing the errors.  The platform enables the developers to use the external tools like Visual Studio and offers the ability like integrated debugging tools and code completion enhancements.

The Marketer’s Perspective:

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Using Sitecore, marketers find value in the user experience, as the CMS offers various features that are advantageous for the marketing team:

  • Real time personalization: Sitecore CMS offers an experience that is directly related to the needs of the customers, their wants and also their past actions and this makes it easy by offering personalized content. Marketers are now able to change the messages based on various conditions and can easily do one to one marketing for each customer.
  • Multi-channel marketing: With EXM and the Social Connector module, Sitecore enables the marketers to re-use the existing web content into other channels. It is by using these tools that the marketers can also analyze data related to the website and offer more insights into the customer engagement.
  • Marketing automation:  Sitecore’s EXM plans help to send emails through an automated process. Using the scheduling tools and the reusable content features, marketing automation has become easier. This saves the time for both the content managers and the marketers.
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