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Online Store Management is Easy with Sitefinity CMS Features

If you have a business and an online store, then it is very important to use the latest technology that can help you to manage your store effectively. Sitefinity is a popular CMS that can help you to create rich ecommerce stores quickly by dragging and dropping the widgets and setting the properties as per the needs of your business. You can easily manage the web shop processes ranging from payment and shipping methods, online store management, tax calculation, product catalogs and variations, discounts and coupons and etc.

Online Store Management is Easy with Sitefinity CMS Features

Depending on what you are selling, you can easily create different product types and use the structure of your online store and facilitate your customers to find what they actually need. Sitefinity development helps your e-store start operating quickly and you can analyze the performance and results with the help of the detailed ecommerce reports.

Here, Let’s Discuss How Sitefinity can Help You to Manage Your Online Store Effectively:

Create Rich Sitefinty Ecommerce Website:

Once you decide to use Sitefinity CMS development, you will have a wide range of choice of Sitefinity templates or create your own template and you can easily drag and drop widget for the shopping carts, checkout process and the products. With Sitefinity, you can now create multi lingual and multi-currency stores and take your products to major markets across the globe.

Managing the Inventory with Sitefinity CMS:

Sitefinity comes with build in inventory reports and this helps you to effectively manage the inventory so that you don’t run out of your stock or over stock any product. You can set the in stock and out stock messages and also send emails to the warehouses to reorder the items. This feature helps to manage your store and ensure that all your products are always in stock and you can also integrate with the back end inventory management app like the NetSuite.

Boost Your Website Performance with CDN and Sitefinity Cloud

Offer a Personalized Shopping Experience:

You can easily use the information like items that are browsed, items that are searched for, average spending, core interest and all these will help to personalize the site for your repeat customers. Next time when the customers log in to the site, they are recommended and shown the items of their interest. This helps to personalize the shopping experience and lead to better customer satisfaction.

Mobile Eommerce:

You can hire a Sitefinity development company in India and ask them to create a responsive design engine so that your site offers a consistent look on all mobile devices. It also includes a mobile app builder and that helps you to customize the apps for your website. The mobile devices give you an insight into how the actual website will look and function on a mobile device.

Multichannel Campaigns:

With Sitefinity development, you can now easily run multiple channels effectively and run them on social media, emails, newsletters and etc. The event module allows the business owners to schedule and promote the events. It is with a multi-channel, you can now reach out to a wider audience base and attract more buyers to your site. The RSS feeds and Atom Syndication allows easy distribution of press reports and media releases.


Sitefinity CMS development has allowed business owners to effectively manage their ecommerce store with a lot of rich features that make the operations smooth and help to target a wider audience base.

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