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IDS Logic Helps Q61studio to Launch New Website

The new and feature rich website of Q61studio offers the visitors a greater insight into the company’s services and also offers easy online booking experience.

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The newly designed website of Q61studio goes live on the World Wide Web and the site aims to extend its reach to the broader market of audience by serving them with a wide variety of services that can be easily booked online. The new site offers detailed information about various personal care services that can define your beauty. The simple design and clean website with enhanced search and navigation features will help the consumers to directly make bookings online.

IDS Logic, a leading software development company has helped Q61studio to focus on their customers and create a website that better understands consumer preferences. In order to build the website, WordPress CMS has been chosen as it is the most popular and robust CMS that powers online businesses. It is more than a blogging platform and implements a number of search engine friendly principles and techniques. In addition to these, there are numerous extensions and plugins that can be added according to the needs of the website.

Our developers have extensive experience in creating a website based on WordPress and since it is significantly easier to use than any other CMS platforms, it allows the administrators to be much more efficient in adding content with very little effort. Our WordPress experts have helped the client with the capability to extend their market base by adding a module “Book Now”. The brand identity and the new website are closely aligned with the company’s strategic vision for enhanced growth and expansion over the coming years and beyond.

IDS Logic has designed the website that is clean, responsive with modern design, easy to navigate, functional and offers a content rich site experience to the visitors. The site also provides social media integration and direct links to Q61studio’s Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Instagram pages where the latest company update will appear on a regular basis.

About the company:

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IDS Logic is a reputed software development company offering services based on various technology platforms. The company has years of experience in creating solutions that can keep the visitors engaged, offer them relevant information and boost the revenues. The company offers Web development, E-commerce development, 24X7 monitoring, Software testing, Mobile app development services and many more to its global customers.

Published By– IDS Logic Press Room

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