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IDS Logic Helps BluLink: Launch New Website to Reach Newer Markets

IDS Logic, the designing and developing partner of BluLink has created a site that is attractive, more engaging and has the capability to target more audience.

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IDS Logic, a reputed software development company located in Noida proudly announces the launch of a new client’s website, Blulink. The site aims to extend the reach to a broad audience and offers a streamlined access to rich content, making visits more interesting and informative. The site is now a great source that is organized to provide quick access to all the resources for audiences.

BluLink is a reliable and trusted advisor offering appropriate solutions to business critical issues. The company strives to provide lasting and significant improvements in business processes that leads to faster adoption rates, greater user retention, enhanced customer satisfaction and improved ROI. IDS Logic has assisted the company to create a site that is much more interactive and appealing.

Our team of developers has created the website using the latest technology Sitefinity, which is a modern ASP.NET web CMS platform that empowers marketers and IT managers to work more efficiently and grow their business. The platform offers a wide range of capabilities and it is our expertise that has helped our client to impress, engage and retain their customers easily. The site is hosted on Microsoft Azure for moving faster and achieving more productivity. This cloud computing platform makes it easier to build and manage mobile and web applications faster. The website boasts of various sections that provide detailed information on various aspects and the designs of the site are created keeping in mind the SEO guidelines so that it gains a higher visibility on major search engines.

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