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IDS Logic Helps Annabel Karmel Launch New Hub

The new hub offers visitors and media partners richer insight into the company’s approved content related to the brand’s products and equipment.


IDS Logic, a leading IT solutions provider has assisted one of its prominent clients, Annabel Karmel to launch a new hub that offers the visitors a more comprehensive understanding of the company’s varied products and services. Annabel Karmel is a leading site that offers various recipes for kids, baby advice, guidance regarding pregnancy and parenting tips to the visitors. The website also has various products that include chilled toddler meals, frozen kids’ meals, baby purees, sauces, pasta and many more.

The AK-Hub project arises from the need for the Annabel Karmel brand to have an online space for the visitors, trade and media partners to access approved content regarding the brand’s products and equipment. Along with product specifications and images, approved users will also have access to content such as logos, videos, images and descriptions of Annabel Karmel to help promote the brand.

A simple and focused login/registration page is created that makes it easy for the users to engage with and understand the products and services in a better manner. It also acts as a landing page for all the users who try to access the website, ensuring that the site’s brand content is secured against any unauthorized users.

Once the users are registered and have been granted access to the site (their accounts approved by Annabel Karmel administrators), they are free to browse its rich content on mobile, tablet, or desktop. The content is broken down into the following sections:

  • Products – Details of all the products offered by Annabel Karmel.
  • Media Library – Images/PDF’s of graphics or photos that can be used to represent the Annabel Karmel brand.
  • About Annabel – A description of the person behind the brand.

A Contact Us form is created for the users to send enquiries to a designated Annabel Karmel administrator’s email address, enabling the Annabel Karmel team to manage online enquiries effectively.

Created with the user experience firmly in mind, the hub has been designed using the WordPress theme, which acted as the foundation of the site. IDS Logic has strong expertise in WordPress development and the talented team created a solution to optimize communications and gather reliable information in a secured manner. We added bespoke features such as the login/registration page and the manual acceptance/authorization of user accounts.

About IDS Logic:

The company is a reputed IT service provider and offers a host of consumer and enterprise application development services on latest technologies. Having global delivery centers in the UK and India, the company serves the gamut of clients that include a healthy mix of start-ups, middle size companies, enterprises and many more.

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