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Multilingual WordPress Translation Plugins to Use

If you have planned to create your WordPress site multilingual, then you must be aware that there are thousands of things that you should keep in mind. From choosing the best domain names to URL structure, translation of content, page layout and web server configuration, there is a very high ‘To Do’ list that is of course going to keep you busy in the coming few months.

Multilingual Translatation Plugin

 Attending meetings with the development and designing team to discuss the functions and features of the site to meeting the accessibility requirements of your site, creating a multilingual website is not an easy task to achieve. But following certain guidelines can surely help and prove to be advantageous for your site. So, let us discuss some awesome WordPress translation plugins that may prove to be of great help to you.

WordPress is a very popular platform and business owners still prefer to use it as it is simple and offers various features required for a startup company. It is by default a single language system, but today the huge community has smartly introduced numerous plugins that can translate the site quite effectively. Though some plugins are premium ones, but there are also free ones that can help you to do your job without any hassles.

There are numerous ways that can make your WordPress site multilingual:

  • Multiple languages for each post stored in one single post.
  • Managing multiple sites created for each language
  • The translation is directed to some external resource
  • Numerous posts are created for each language and all of them linked together to indicate they are translated version.

A Few Popular WordPress Plugins to Check:


Small border for heading and paragraphs with multiple colors

This is a popular translation plugin that is used by the WordPress community and is estimated to be used by over 400,000 online sites in more than 100 countries and languages.  The plugin is available with 40 language options and you can also add any other language by using the Language Editor. Using this plugin is easy and you need no technical skills. Complete API is included so that it can easily be integrated with other translation systems and plugins.

qTranslate X:

Small border for heading and paragraphs with multiple colors

A good reason behind choosing this free plugin is that you can easily maintain dynamic multilingual content for your WordPress development site. It offers language switching buttons and when the button is pressed, there is no request that is sent to the server, but the changes happen locally and instantly in the browser. This WordPress plugin comes with numerous inbuilt languages like English, Chinese, German and many more.


Small border for heading and paragraphs with multiple colors

This free plugin has a major advantage and that is the content can be automatically translated into one or even more of the 92 languages available. This is done by accessing the free resources like MS translate, Google translate, or Apertium backends. With this tool, manual editing is also possible and so you can adjust the settings according to your requirements.


Small border for heading and paragraphs with multiple colors

If you have plans to go multilingual, but don’t want to burn your pocket, then this popular WordPress plugin can be of great use. From posts, pages, tags and categories, you can write everything and then select a language that you want to translate it from the drop down menu. The plugin has the ability to auto detect the language in the browser.

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