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Laravel Most Preferred PHP Framework

PHP is a popular open source scripting language that is used to create web pages that are dynamic. There are many different PHP frameworks like Zend, CakePHP, Codelgniter, Laravel and etc.  Choosing the best from these frameworks can be a difficult task if you are not aware of the features. Well the most popular one among the developers is the Laravel with about 42.496 stars on GitHub.

Laravel Most Preferred PHP Framework

Created by Taylor Otwell few years back, Laravel is preferred by the users because of its queue management technique and some unique features that others lack.

Here are some features that make PHP Laravel development so special:

Object oriented libraries:

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This is one of the top reasons that make Laravel one of the best PHP framework. It has an object oriented libraries and also other pre-installed ones that are not found in other popular frameworks.  One of the pre-installed libraries that laravel has, is the Authentication library. Though it is very easy to implement it, it comes with many advanced features like checking active users, password reset, Bcrypt hashing, CSRF protection and encryption.


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This technique of authentication is very well developed and the user doesn’t have to write any new code repeatedly, whenever any new application is developed. Almost everything is very well constructed in Laravel and this makes the authorization process very user friendly than in any other framework.


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PHP Laravel has a built in tool called the Artisan.  The interaction is done by using the command line that creates and also handles the Laravel project environment. The tool is used to perform repetitive programing commands that the developers often perform manually. It can be used to create the skeleton code and the database structure and build their migration, which makes it easy to manage the database system. Artisans also help the PHP developers to create commands and perform certain tasks with it.

MVC support:

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Another core reason that makes Laravel one of the best PHP framework is its support for the MVC architecture like the Symfony, that ensures clarity between presentation and logic. The MVC helps to improve the performance, offers multiple built-in functionalities, allows better documentation and etc.

Migration systems for databases: 

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The migration system in Laravel allows to expand the structure of the database of any web application without having to recreate it every time the developers make any changes.  It is because of this feature; the risk of losing data becomes less. It helps to change the database structure that can be done by using the PHP code instead of SQL.


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While creating an application, everyone has used some means to make the application safe and secure. Laravel PHP development takes care of the security within its framework. It uses the hashed password and that means that the password would never be saved as a simple text in the database. It uses the Bcrypt hashing algorithm that helps to generate an encrypted representation of a password. Laravel uses the prepared SQL statements and makes injection attacks impossible. It also provides a great means to escape the user input to avoid any scripts.

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