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How Sitefinity CMS Can Impact SEO?

Creating a website is the first step towards successful business, but it is equally important to increase the visibility of the site to the audience so that they can get appropriate information about the services and products that they are actually looking for. Search engines play a great role in increasing the visibility of the site and Google, Yahoo and Bing have robots that crawl the web continuously. These engines, then rank the best sites according to the relevance to key search phrases entered by the users and the popularity of the site. Optimizing your website settings so that the search engines can easily find your pages and present them to the audience is essential.

Sitefinity CMS impact on SEO

Research has stated that 93% of internet traffic comes from the search engines and the easiest means to optimize the website for the search engines is to choose a CMS that has some built-in SEO features. Sitefinity is a popular CMS that is used by global organizations like Microsoft, BASF, Visa to manage their various web properties. The built-in features and tools help the websites to capture the attention of the customers with personalized content and the intuitive drag and drop widgets and inline page editing helps manager or publishers make edits to the websites easily.

Clean codes:

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Clean coding makes the developer’s task easier and also helps the search engines to crawl the site smoothly. The backend code for Sitefinity CMS development is optimized for the search engines and this helps in gaining higher website visibility. The codes that are written by the developers are the only ones that need to be optimized.

Set Canonical URLs:

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Sitefinity development empowers the content publishers and the marketers to reuse the content and manage them across multiple pages by setting canonical URLS without much technical help. The platform also allows to change page URLS and make them keyword rich and shorter, which is good from the SEO point of view. It also helps to set up 301 redirects so that the search engines can follow old URL links to the new ones.

Titles, descriptions and tags:

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Sitefinity CMS helps to add and edit the titles, descriptions and tags that attract the search engines. The link tools help to add link tags between the website pages and this improves the search rankings. Sitefinity also offers filtering tools that help to find missing descriptions or titles on the website so that you can quickly rectify them and enhance your ranking.

Responsive design:

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All search engines give some preference to websites that are mobile friendly. And developing a responsive site that can be accessed from any device is the key to SEO. Sitefinity is one of the few CMSs that offer a responsive design built in. It produces only one URL for each page and not one for each device. This attracts more traffic to the URLs and helps in gaining a higher ranking on Google.

“Thus, in a nutshell, it can be said that choosing your website CMS is crucial if you want a higher visibility on the search engines. Choosing Sitefinity development can help a lot in making your site optimized for the search engines.”


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