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Easy Gamifying Tips for Moodle Course

We have already heard a lot about gamification as an e-learning approach that helps to motivate the students to learn by using a game element in learning environments. Gamification is here to stay and it is time for Moodle course makers to invest in this latest learning process. Since games play an important role as social and mobile in our life, it is important that your eLearning Moodle course also adopts this technique and allows students to engage themselves with the modules.

In this article, I will share with you some top tips to avoid while starting with gamification for your online course:


Keep Your Games for Your Course As Simple As Possible, Else Users may Avoid Using it.

You must have seen many online games and how people easily get hooked to them for a long time. Simplicity is the first thing that users look for. Creating any online course involves a lot of work, both in terms of content and technical assessment.

So, when you start adding gamification it requires a more advanced understanding of Moodle developmentand learn how to gamify. Each learning module that you create has an extra burden of triggering a gamified element like badges or points. You can think of each object to create in the course both in terms of time and technical difficulties.

Gamification is more about shaping the behavior of your user. Map it out.

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Introducing some gaming element like points, badges, levels, will encourage your learners. Gaming behavior varies from user to user and is driven by things like competence and recognition. Eventually, you can easily build the course to include narratives and also include complex ideas. But when you are first implementing gamification into your Moodle course, keep it simple by using a progress bar throughout your course.

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Map the course development as a multi stage process. Your first stage should include adding badges to the course and then watching how your learners play them through the course. Your goal should be to create a solid Moodle course and use gamify effectively.

Consider management while designing your Moodle course:

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Letting your learners know that they are in a gamified course is very important. Creating a welcome video will help them to easily unfold the course modules. You can make this mandatory and lock the course until your users have viewed it. You can also have some check-in all through the course to see how the learners are enjoying and performing with the gamified elements.

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Taking feedback every few weeks, especially, if the course is new will help. Your feedback may consist of 3 or 4 questions that will help you to understand their engagement with your Moodle course.

Sketchnoting and flowcharts:

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You can use sketchnotes to go from verbal to visual. This will help the learners in research, plan and also create buzz about your modules by sharing your work. Creating visual hooks though gamification within your lesson will help to efficiently and effectively share your ideas and also encourage actions from your students.

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