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Data Driven Marketing Tips for Magento Store

Ecommerce businesses have always used customer data to boost their marketing campaigns from the very beginning. This is nothing new. But the way we gather important customer data has changed a lot and with the increased use of the net, digital information is no longer very difficult to collect. Data driven marketing has now become an integral part of your online marketing toolkit.

Data Driven Marketing

However, to make a strategic decision regarding your business, you must understand how to use this data to deliver the best marketing results for your Magento website.

The era of personalization is here, and if you fail to integrate it with your latest Magento marketing strategy, then you are sure to lose the race of survival in this ever-growing online retail ecosystem.

Here is What You should do to Create a Strong Data Driven Magento eCommerce Marketing Strategy:

Adopt a holistic data analysis approach:

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It is very important to analyze your customer interactions as it helps you to know how each channels interacts with your audience and helps to focus on the tactics that you work on. Observe the data that is generated by individual sources as it will give your fragmented insights into your customer’s shopping journeys. A research study that is done by Econsultancy together with Google has stated that about 90% marketers believe that a clear understanding of the cross channel experience is crucial to marketing success.

If you are using a CRM for all your sales channels, then integrate it with Magento. This holistic approach to your marketing data analysis will have a clear insight into the buyer’s path and will help you to optimize it effectively. In case you are unable to analyze your data, you can hire a Magento development company in India that can help you gather the data from various channels and analyze it effectively.

Focus on humanizing your data: 

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Note: The data that you collect from various channels of your Magento eCommerce store should not be observed in isolation.

Sometimes abstract information prevents you from understanding the real life customers and so you need to tailor your marketing strategies accordingly.  To avoid this issue, focus on humanizing your data. Start building buyer personas, which are fictional profiles that portrays the traits and preferences of an average customer.

It is by contextualizing the customer information that you will be able to understand the data better and improve the marketing efforts. Focus on age, demographics, location, occupation and family status while building a persona.

Compare your costs vs revenues:

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Note: Note: Consider your ROI as the value of your customer.

Always remember that whether you are investing to make your Magento website attractive or investing in paid ads, getting new customers doesn’t come for free.  If you are not generating higher revenues than your basic investments, then something is definitely wrong. So calculate the cost of your customer and them compare it with your revenue. This will help you understand how effective your marketing campaigns are and take an informed decision.

Create your own data driven strategy:

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Since no one size solution fits all marketing strategies, your ecommerce business also needs something that revolves around your business objectives and your target audience. Create your own content marketing strategy by analyzing your blogs and social media channels.

Create customized, informative and relevant content that can educate your audiences and offer them actionable tips that inspires them to make a purchase from your store.  Consider the influencers that impact the opinions of your customers and follow them on social media and develop a relationship to build trust.

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