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“BluLink Solutions is a trusted advisor and helps business owners to develop appropriate solutions to solve critical issues. The company combines innovative technology, meaningful designs and improved processes to create solutions that improve the productivity of the clients. Their group of technologists, creative designers and analysts constantly strive to deliver solutions that allow clients to work more efficiently and effectively.”

BlulinkSolution- Sitefinity CMS case study
Blulink- Sitefinity case study


  • BluLink needed a new CMS website that was interactive and had the robust ability to manage information and resources of the company.
  • They also needed more functionality and easy to use interface and a solution that helped organize their web presence.


Solutions that fulfilled the BluLink Solutions’s requirements

  • Armed with the functionality of Sitefinity, we created a site that is designed to offer relevant information to each unique audience category.
  • The specific intent was to deliver what the visitors needed without having them to sift through all the content.
  • Sitefinity had the features and tools to allow fast customization in every area. We created different menus like Services, Approach, Careers, Portfolio so that their customers could have information with only a few clicks.
  • The responsive site is hosted on the Microsoft Azure platform to attain speed and productivity.
  • Keeping load time down was a big priority and the cloud platform makes it easy to manage mobile applications easily.
CMS Platoform


Delivered effective application and hosting support

  • Once the site was designed and launched, it helped the client to have full control over their web content and allowed them to showcase different projects though the portfolio section.
  • BluLink could easily reach out to a wide customer base and offer highly, profitable solutions to their clients.
  • Delivered effective application and hosting support

Blulink case study

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