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Building Mobile Apps with HTML5

Whether you are a small business owner or have a big organization, simply having a web presence is no longer sufficient as various online activities have continued to shift to mobile.
Creating smartphone apps have become one of the most important marketing tools for business owners and without that it is difficult to capture the audience who are willing to purchase services through their mobile devices.

The recent rise in mobile phone usage means that smartphone apps will not act as the key marketing tool and help increase engagement with customers, helps to boost repeat visitors, and allows a wide variety of promotions and ecommerce transactions.

Mobile App Development with HTML5

When developers decide to build a mobile app, they consider HTML5 as it makes the development process easier. Though there are other platforms that can be used to build strong mobile apps, there are few things that the developers can do with HTML5 to build an app. This means that they don’t have to rely on JavaScript and CSS and it is absolutely essential to use HTML5.

Recently, there have been certain updates made to the language, such as audio and video improvement, and its better integration with JavaScript make it more appealing. HTML5 is a great option for developers who need to build mobile apps quickly and then deploy them across multiple platforms. For the developers it is a convenient means to create native apps from scratch and the latest updates in the platforms streamline the app building process more.

Let’s take a look at some of the updates in HTML5 that can help create functional mobile apps easily.

HTML5 refers to the latest updates to the HTML programming language and to all the tool set and features that the developers need to create mobile apps. For the past two years it has undergone some of the biggest changes in terms of supporting any mobile device and this is driving interest in the mobile app development area.

The New HTML5

Small border for heading and paragraphs with multiple colors

HTML5 now allows software developers to create a single web based applications that accommodates different devices from desktops to smartphones. The latest version has made great changes in the audio and video arenas. Prior to HTML5, a browser always needed a plug-in like the Adobe Flash in order to play the audio or the video files, but HTML5 changed by introducing audio and video elements that made it possible to media in webpages. The developer can now use JavaScript to control the elements by using the Documents Object Model methods, event, properties included with HTML5.

Improved features:

Small border for heading and paragraphs with multiple colors

HTML5 is designed to offer a modern look to the websites and applications for the smartphone and tablet screen. It has improved much on the webpage structure codes that are available for document creation and has also added up more APIs to help programmers to create more complex websites with various app features and interfaces. The language now offers a better support for multimedia, which is an important element of the web apps that has grown significantly over the past few years as businesses modernize.

New code tags:

Small border for heading and paragraphs with multiple colors

For mobile developers, the HTML5 has included new code tags that have made it easier to specify where on a page to add something. This is in fact very useful for HTML5 mobile app development because any application that has a tag can better handle the different sizes of the browsers or any changes in browser orientation like when the users turn their smartphone horizontally.

In addition to the above new elements, HTML5 includes new input types like add dates, colors, times, emails to form fields and attributes for specifying whether a text box is active when the page loads. HTML5 also offers support to geolocation, WebSocket bidirectional API, drag and drop functionality and various other features. The capabilities of the operating system and the browser will dictate what the app can do, especially when it comes to support mobile device features like the camera.

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