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Boost Your Mobile Strategy

Increased mobile penetration and the growing accessibility to various websites for shopping have provided the e-commerce sectors to generate higher revenues to business. According to research study, it is noted that the buying trends this year will observe a significant upward movement due to increased fuel price, great online discounts and huge choice before the customers. Making purchases online by using smartphones have proved to be a game changer and industry leaders are of the view that m-commerce will contribute around 70% of the total revenues.

Ecommerce will continue to grow over the coming years and shoppers will make a huge shift for visiting any physical stores to online ones and the increased use of tablets and smartphones have contributed highly to the fast growth of eCommerce. It is because of this, that business owners need to think of creating mobile applications for their business for long term future and to find a wider range of customers.

Boost Your Mobile Strategy

Few Reasons Why eCommerce Will Be A Hit This Year:

The need of personalized services:

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Business stores are working a lot to make their customers happy and offer them a high quality of services. Those who lack delivering this will not exist anymore in the market. Mobile shoppers demand for personalized services and they also look for easy navigable apps that can help them to find the products easily that they can purchase. Another most important thing that they want is avoid viewing irrelevant content.

Comfort of purchasing from home:

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Ecommerce mobile shoppers are not only looking forward to browse products, but they are also interested in making purchase using their phones. They want secured transaction processes that can help them to avoid going to the retail store and make the purchase. The comfort of shopping from home and getting it delivered to the desired address is something that has significantly contributed to the growth of Ecommerce.

Quick and better delivery:

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Customers can easily browse through the range of products and purchase them through secured transaction means. Ecommerce offers a quick and better delivery at your doorstep and this rich experience enjoyed by the customers are now forcing business owners to create ecommerce applications for their business.

Enhanced mobile security:

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Mobile applications will not only serve as great browsing platforms, but they will also serve as great purchasing platforms. Great emphasis is given on mobile security and ecommerce platforms like Magento and Sitefinity are great options that offer highly secured transaction environment for online purchase.

Targeting potential customers:

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Another most important factor that has contributed to the growth of ecommerce is the easiness of targeting potential customers. Marketers are using various techniques to attract customers towards their mobile commerce portal. They can now easily keep a tract of the customer’s interests, the location from where they are viewing the site and how long they are browsing the site. Based on these statistics, business owners can decide on effective strategies that can help them to convert the visitors to customers. By doing so, they can increase their business sales and generate higher revenues.

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