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Benefits of Video Based Learning with Moodle

Earlier, learners had to struggle hard with multiple textbooks and slides to learn something. But gone are those days and now students have more effective and engaging means of learning through which they can attain more knowledge while spending less effort and time.

Motion pictures have always been very captivating as human brains are wired to track motion and are also interested more in movements. Videos based learning are one of the most popular methods of learning that has become a trend in the e-learning industry.

Video based learning benefits

Academic organizations can use various ways in their Moodle LMS development and offer a great learning environment to the students. It can easily be delivered through Moodle and is an engaging means to hold the learner’s attention. It is said that a learner can only remember 10% of the textual content compared to 65% of visual content. So, video based learning helps to enhance self-learning and also engages the learner’s attention through the course module.

Some Benefits of Using Video Based Learning with Moodle LMS:

Helps to capture attention of the learners:

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Human mind always captivates anything that is in motion rather than anything textual. Visual learners often understand better and can retain the information when words and concepts are associated with videos or images. Learning becomes easy for them as attractive videos help to keep them engaged for a longer time period, which written texts without any movements cannot do.

Videos are an effective instructional method:

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Videos when used with Moodle LMS to design a course helps to process information faster and retain the knowledge accurately. More than 90% of the information we receive are from the outside world and we also have the ability to process the images about 60,000 times faster than simple texts. As videos offer pictures, 3D technology, sound effects, it is more beneficial for the students to learn things.

Use of animations to communicate visual concepts:

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Videos are not always created by using real images. One can also use animations to create animated explainer videos and they are really engaging for online learners. Having animated videos added to your elearning courses often help to communicate critical or complex ideas easily.

Reduces the learning time:

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Adding an interactive video into your Moodle learning course can save a lot of time for the students. By this, we don’t mean that you can simply record a live presentation and post it for your learner. You can use it to offer engaging content that is created by industry professionals according to specific learning needs.

Delivering it is also easier and it can also be viewed on any device like a smartphone or a tablet. Not only this, it can also be distributed in short bursts to the learners without much effort. This rapid delivery enables the learners to access it anytime and anywhere and learn at their own pace.

“Today, more and more organizations are using Moodle LMS for their training strategy and videos play a special role in offering a richer experience to not only the learners, but also the trainers.”

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