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Sitefinity 8.2 Released: Online Business Owners Can Enjoy More Benefits

The latest release of Sitefinity 8.2 has come up with advanced features that can help online marketers to remain connected with the audience.

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Online marketing has become the latest business trend and most business owners are keenly interested in creating websites that are functional and offers various features to connect with multiple audiences. However, displaying content that contains relevant information to the right audience helps to build customer engagement and target potential audiences. Sitefinity 8.2 has allowed online marketers to keep customers well informed through proper content and other specific functions.

IDS Logic is happy with the Sitefinity 8.2 release as it has come up with various new updates that will help them create applications that are beneficial for business owners. The new functionalities include:

  • Advanced Personalization: With this feature, site owners can now easily personalize each content and relevant image to create customized experiences on a single page quickly.
  • Personalization Attribution Reporting: This feature is available in Sitefinity Digital Experience Cloud and it allows you to see the personalized content and how they are contributing to your business goals.
  • Optimized Conversion: The latest release now supports custom contact fields for contact profiling and audience segmentation.
  • Better Lead Scoring: The new version of Sitefinity allows the marketers to initiate activities in third party systems that are based on lead scoring events.
  • Better Cloud Support: Sitefinity 8.2 also supports cloud auto scaling and automatic configuration for Microsoft Azure.

IDS Logic has the expertise to create various applications based on the Sitefinity platform that allows online business owners to expand their audience reach. The latest release will assist digital marketers to execute business campaigns, create personalized messages and provide a smoother experience to the visitors.

About the company:

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IDS Logic a leading software development company offering varied services to global customers from various sectors. With years of experience in different development platforms and technologies, the company offers quality business solutions that help business owners to meet their objectives easily.

Published By– IDS Logic Press Room

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