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Is Sitefinity CMS Best for Managing Blogs?

Do you have a blog section on your site?  If not, then why?  These days, the most powerful business marketing tool of your website and the most effective means to remain connected to your audience is through your blog and it serves many purposes when used properly by a business.

Whether you want to establish your authority or want to communicate with your audience or want to offer support or speak on any issues in real time, you can use blogs to satisfy various purposes. From email newsletters, conversations with the customer base, blogs are highly useful as a part of a large website or on their own.

Sitefinity Bog Management

While using Sitefinity as your CMS, you can use the Sitefinity’s Blog module to perform various tasks. One of the best options of Progress Sitefinity is that it can be used by many people in the organization to help them make their jobs easier. The editor or the content marketer can now use this powerful CMS to manage, publish and share the web content both internally and externally.

How can You Manage The Blogs Using Sitefinity?

Creating, editing and publishing content is easy now

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It is often very easy to start with Sitefinity because of its WYSIWYG rich text editor that helps the publisher to directly create and even paste the content of the post. Adding styling, images or links are simple and all the usual formatting options can also be used with a click.

So, if you are working in an organization with many content contributors, then it is easy to set the workflow so that the users can easily create their own post and also submit them for approval. The “Preview” button is also very helpful as it helps to view the post and check how it will look when it is live.

Even if you are not a designers changing the look and feel of the design is simple

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You may not be a designer, but a good thing about Sitefinity is that you don’t have to be one, in order to work with the overall layout and the design of the blog. The changes like adding the header images to the post, adjusting the related content featured in the right sidebar or rotating the features on the homepage can be done with only a few clicks.

Organizations using Sitefinity can now easily redesign the appearance of the blog, increase the visibility of the content and focus on the imagery of the blog.  You can easily collaborate with the web and the user experience teams and test the environment to see how the design will look in a short span of time.

Using the advanced features of Sitefinity CMS:  Optimizations and Time-Savers

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Considering your web content for a minute, there are lots of things that Sitefinity can do beyond just being a WYSIWYG text editor. You can use the dropdown menus that can automatically format the text and in-line imagery as per the pre-defined CSS rules. Embedding any videos, adding stylized buttons or importing documents from the Word can be easily done by using the custom widgets.

Static Website Is Dead! Use Sitefinity CMS for Website Personalization

Sitefinity CMS also offers an easy access to the HTML and this makes working with content easy. This can be used to add anchor texts, insert the custom CSS and etc. Other features of the blog like the topics and the tags, the related posts at the bottom of the post, the author attribution and even the SEO optimizations can be edited and created quickly at the time of publishing.

Easy to improve and use:

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If you are using any specific theme for your post, then the question is how much can you do yourself as an end user without the need of any developer. Sitefinity CMS helps to collaborate with new features and get them running easily and quickly.  And with time, it is also getting better with lots of improvements in the features.

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