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Is Cloud A Smart Move For Organizations?

Cloud computing has become the major topic of discussion nowadays and with lots of information shared by analysts, it can be seen that the future of cloud computing is bright and positive. Organizations irrespective of their size are clearly responding to it and a huge investment is made to set up the infrastructure. According to a Gartner FEI study report, it is stated that about 21% business organizations have a plan to move their financial apps to a Software as a Service model and 47% plan to move their core ERP systems to the cloud soon. So, the question comes why are most organizations turning to the cloud?

Is Cloud A Smart Move For Organizations?

Cloud computing delivers efficiency and cost savings:

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The chief advantages of cloud are well established and cloud service providers take all the responsibility to manage, operate, support the computing environment and secure the user’s data. This in fact removes the cost uncertainty, something that is welcome in every business sector.
Cloud computing provides the ability to pay for only what you need and this enables the organizations to avoid high upfront costs and align computing costs more systematically. They have started to appreciate how cloud can enable higher productivity and competitiveness.

A rich source of applications:

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This is the right place where businesses will find most new software and latest innovations and opportunities for growth. It is anticipated that by the year 2016, around 48 million applications will be available on the cloud and this really makes sense why you should consider making the shift. The good news is that all such great applications are becoming easily accessible and are fueled by the increased availability of new vendor offerings.

Allows greater business flexibility:

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For many organizations, the increased business flexibility that cloud computing offers is crucial. Cloud based apps help various businesses to standardize the transaction processes of starting a new business where a traditional solution would take months to function. In this case, a newly acquired company would be running within a few days where as on premise solution could take weeks or even months to start functioning.
Cloud also allows business owners to gain new insights through advanced analytics and new social and collaborative tools that help to enhance productivity. This has in fact encouraged new generation of applications to be built specifically for the cloud and help businesses reduce the complexity and analyze performance in the same environment.

Today, various organizations are moving to the cloud as they can take advantage of cost containment and convenience. It offers the availability of innovative applications, great relief of hybrid deployment and great support to business applications due to the presence of experienced vendors. Ten years from now, we will see low power processors, reducing many workloads in the cloud and supportive scalable software architecture.
With the increased demands from various enterprises, there will be a huge development in the technologies that support clouds and this will make the projects even cheaper for many organizations. It offers business agility in emerging markets and provides a platform for improved insights that are fueled by embedded social and analytical tools.

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