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Enhance Success with Mobile App Strategy

Smartphones were launched in the year 2007 and since then it has surpassed the 2 billion mark as it is the most convenient device to remain connected and gather information about services and products on the go. Today, smartphones and its cousin, the tablet has changed what we expect and want from a mobile. Our expectations are now more driven by our individual context that offer us delight as consumers or as employees.

To capture this huge market base, business owners are creating successful applications that meet the customer’s needs while unsuccessful apps are just a waste of resources and turn the customers away.

Mobile App Development Strategy

In the year 2014 Forrester examined the impact of good or bad mobile app on the company’s revenue, brand and cost structure. It was observed that if the mobile app didn’t perform according to the customer’s expectations, then they don’t hesitate to delete it or uninstall from their mobile.

Successful apps are usually tailored to keep the customers engaged in specific functions providing them the right functionality at the right moment. Due to this engagement enterprises saw an increase in traffic to their site, which helped to boost their sales.

Benefits of Getting the Right Mobile Application Developed

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Mobile app development companies are now offering solutions that are based on the latest technologies. Enterprises are also keen to develop apps that target specific customer needs while aligning their current budgets. Companies are now looking to get ahead of mobile devices and trying to anticipate the future needs of the customers. Since the mobile mind of customers continues to shift and the usage of mobile increases in both frequency and also as a channel of interaction, it is important for the app to own the mobile moment. So, it is vital for enterprises to get it right and build an application that helps to boost the brand and offer more productivity.

Understanding the Cost Drivers and Managing Them

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Reducing the total cost of mobile app development is very important and for this, one should identify the key drivers cost that represents areas where the resources can be strategically applied to reduce the cost per app.  The cost model helps to calculate that by adopting the best practices, an average company could save about 10% on creating the app and 20% on running the app. Not following the best practices means paying two times more than the average cost and 50% more to run the application in some cases.

Following an aligned strategy and proper infrastructure allows the development and deployment of the app cost effectively and quickly. It also allows for easy updates to respond to the customer feedback and changes in the marketplace.

Since every application has its own objectives to meet, its developing cost may also vary on the decisions that are taken around technology, people and the process underlying it. Cost drivers like development resources, delivery time frame, cross platform capability, testing, security and etc. are usually considered and adjusted by business organizations to plan for the most effective use of their mobile app budgets as different inputs may yield different results.

Thus, a more focused approach helps to reduce the overall cost of development and helps to create apps that are usually successful in the market.

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