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Elements for a Successful Ecommerce Business

Building an ecommerce store that your customers will simply love may be a difficult task if you are not exactly aware of human psychology and effective business strategies. You may invest a lot of money and time to create an attractive online store, but soon be disappointed when you may not receive quality traffic to your site. Creative designs and getting traffic is not enough for your business – you should also sell.

So, here in this article we will discuss few-

Elements for a Successful Ecommerce Business

Reasons that Make Your Customers Avoid Purchasing from Your Site

Lack of value proposition:

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It is very important to communicate your value to the visitors as they should clearly know why they should purchase from you when there are other similar sites. Many ecommerce stores have poor value propositions and often have difficulty in communicating effectively with customers about what they sell. Great use of images in value propositions can make it very clear to the customers about your products and services.

A slow site:

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Nothing can be more annoying for a customer as a slow and unresponsive interface. A slow site often results to fewer conversions. Without proper designing and responsive hosting, a site will remain slow no matter what you do. A site that takes too long to load may have huge bounce rates and even Google’s algorithm penalises slow loading sites. With mobile users increasing day by day, a slow site will certainly lose great business opportunities.

Site doesn’t appear trustworthy:

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With increased day to day competition in the ecommerce market, business owners need to realise that their brand recognition means that they don’t have to prove to their customers that they are reliable. Your site should reflect your willingness to serve, your ability and your track record for delivery of your promises. Perfect customer testimonials and social proofs can work wonders to address these issues.

Navigation is complicated:

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For any ecommerce site, navigation plays an important role. The first thing that visitors usually look for is a good navigation system. It is recommended using the main navigation bar to show the main product categories. Including a “Bestseller” collection is also a good idea to guide new customers. Special offer banners, contact details and search box should be placed on the top of the screen for better visibility.

A complex check out process:

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There are only a few customers who are willing to buy the products that you are selling and can go through various proceedings to get them. But the majority will look for an easy checkout process and any annoyance can dissuade them. Unnecessary steps that include getting information that is strictly required or any complex process involved in the purchasing process may act negatively.

Security of the site:

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Another most important thing that customers consider is the website security and payment security checks. Security concerns (58%) and other technical issues (44%) cause customers to abandon the site. Since shoppers handle sensitive details, they look for safe payment options and checkout process that run on SSL encryption. Business owners should always take every measure to reduce their anxiety.

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