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Business Solutions Using Low Cost Methods

Today, every business is gearing up their mobile strategy as it is the means of modern communication, getting information instantly and even shopping any products. Developing a mobile website or a mobile app has its own benefits and business owners are also taking great interest in creating one so that they can target new audience base and increase their sales.

But one question that always comes to their mind is, what does it take to develop a mobile or web application? But the question is just like asking how much does it take to build a house? This actually depends on the kind of house that you are building. Still, it is possible to share some rough guidelines on how to develop apps at low cost without compromising on the quality of the product.

Effective business solutions

Creating Effective Business Solutions Using Low Cost Method

Cloud based applications:

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Cloud is a powerful combination of networking, storage, management and business solutions that facilitate the IT and consumer services. Cloud application development has gained much popularity as it helps to significantly improve business performance and lower the cost of data center costs. The developers can also access from anywhere and anytime by using various development tools.

Virtual operating system:

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Modifying the scripts and inserting new virtual systems result in incompatibility with the latest OS version. Virtual OS helps to make all the necessary changes compatible with the OS and this reduces the risk and eliminates the manual effort and streamlines the application deployment.

Scrum and Prototyping:

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Scrum is a development methodology that allows the developers and the end user team to easily collaborate on application building and refinement. Joint development might take a longer time to create the application, but it significantly reduces the errors and failures of the app. These long term savings are important. Prototyping helps to create a rough layout of the application that the end user can experiment with. This ensures that the application fulfills the exact business requirements.

Virtual database:

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Today, there are new solutions that help to put the data in one place which reduces duplicate data.  It also generates multiple virtual databases that can easily be deployed for development and testing of the app.


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Developers may have very little knowledge of the business environments where their application will operate. This may at time result in application failure. To gain an insight of this environment, workflow walkthroughs are used, which gives the developers knowledge of the operation workflow and also improves the quality of the application.

Quick app development tools:

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Different development tools are now available that help developers to target the hardware and software that you want your application to run on. This technique frees the developers from troubles related to the hardware and software and allows them to focus more on the project.

Help desk:

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Developers can gather more information about what works and what doesn’t in applications from help desk calls. This desk has complete data and guides the developers regarding the most troublesome apps so that they can avoid the mistakes while creating a new solution.

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