If you are a business owner and have a website, then you must be aware of the fact that a static website is usually not very interactive and offers only some basic experience for the site users. Organizations that have very limited budget and use not so feature rich technology may begin with a static website, but with time they also often choose to invest more on the website development and this means investing in a proper content management system.
Sitefinity is a popular CMS in the market right now and creating a site using this technology makes it more professional, rich in features and interactive. Once you are aware of your organizational needs, it is easy to roll out your new site using the Sitefinity in less than a month because the platform is designed for enterprise organizations and is also compatible with current Microsoft technologies. Not only this, there are also important plug-ins that make the task of website developers easy and offer productivity and flexibility to the site.
Sitefinity CMS Thunder is a plug-in used for Visual Studio that enables the developers to create and maintain widgets, themes, dynamic modules and etc. through the Visual Studio environment. It also connects to any of the websites and can modify them on the go. So let’s take a look at some of the features of Sitefinity Thunder:
To use Sitefinity CMS Thunder, there are certain requirements for the Visual Studio environment. It is supported only for web application type projects.
It is by using Sitefinity that you can create customized themes and templates and custom widgets and also construct user friendly control interfaces for them. Sitefinity Thunder helps to save your time and effort and allows you to create the elements in an automated way and set them in the right folder structure, create sample codes and use it as reference or modify it accordingly to suit the exact needs.