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“The Trade Finder is an established internet business that has helped business owners to expand their internet presence for years. Being a highly used online business directory in the U.K. it offers the facility to search any service providers based on the category of the users. This includes finding retailers, contractors and other business services. The client wanted to create a mobile app for the website so that they could target the Android phone users in the U.K and offer them the best means to search for any services.”



  • Mobile plays a great role in most of the businesses and today users are also very demanding and want everything at their fingertips.
  • To cater to this need, the trade finder, an online business directory offering its services to the people in the U.K. decided to create a mobile app while targeting the Android users.
  • They wanted an easy to use mobile app that could help business grow online and expand their web presence and offer information to people looking for such services.


Solutions that fulfilled TheTradeFinder’s requirements

  • The mobile development team of IDS Logic initially started with a clear understanding of the client’s requirements and after exhaustive research they decided to create an app that was backed by the latest features and advanced technology.
  • Since we have expertise in creating mobile apps and are efficient in using the latest tools and technologies, it was decided to use PhoneGap to develop the application.
  • Other technologies used include Angularjs, Ionic framework, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and .Net.
  • The application is built responsively so that it is accessible to a wide range of users and device types having varying screen resolutions.
  • To enhance the features of the tool, our team used Cordova Device Plugins, Whitelist Plugins, Cordova Network plugins.
  • Creating a look with less loading time was also a priority and so we chose a simple and easy look and feel for the app.
  • Our designers and developers created the tool so that it had enough flexibility to maintain a consistent design among various mobile devices.
Technology Given
Front-End Technology


An easy to use mobile app that could help business grow online

  • After the mobile app was developed and launched, finding an organization, a trader or any service provider in the U.K. was an easy task.
  • People could find them by searching either through location or according to the specific category.
  • Many of the businesses that are listed included useful information like the facilities, payment methods, maps and directions, photos and videos and even some special offers.
  • This helped the users to take an easy decision.
  • The entire design and features of the site is created keeping in mind to target the maximum users and this is what the app has helped our client to attain.

What Client Say’s

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