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“Emma’s Home, a part of Emma’s Diary is an online marketing and advertising company that allows parents to gain information on various products for their home and baby that are safe and comfortable. The website has partnered with some of the best brands offering various products for your living room, garden, garage, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. The site offers effective tips, suggestions and information about various products for each room.”

emmas-home Case Study
emmas home- Sitefinity based website


  • Emma’s Home already had a main site Emma’s Diary that shares various information related to parenting, pregnancy, lifestyle, baby products and etc. with parents.
  • The company was looking forward to create another website for Emma’s Home, a part of Emma’s Diary that could help parents to gain information regarding various products that are safe and reliable for their children and home.
  • The challenge was to create an interactive website by using the latest technology that offered a virtual walk-through enabling the users to experience a physical environment online and click the Hotspots of the panoramic photography for more detailed information about the products.


Solutions that fulfilled the Emmas’s Home’s requirements

  • Our team of developers at IDS Logic chose Sitefinity, an ASP.Net CMS framework to develop the website, so that it could meet all the client’s specific business requirements. Since Sitefinity has rich features and is reliable, it was the best platform for the website.
  • Various menus were created on the home page like: Nursery, Living Room, Garage, Garden, Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen that offered a panoramic photography of the physical space and allowed a 360 degree view of the place.
  • Once the panoramic image was supplied by the client, we integrated the visual interface design with the room pages of the site to add the extra interactivity.
  • We also created functionalities that allowed clickable areas to display relevant content, allowing the space to become an active method of navigation and displaying of content.
  • Products of famous brands with their information are easily available to the visitors who can now take a decision to purchase them for their house.
  • Our creative solution helped Emma’s Home to easily attract potential visitors and achieve their business goals.
CMS Platoform


Our Solution helped to increase the customer base

  • The website offered an interactive approach to deliver information through clean and simple designs
  • We created a platform for parents that offered valuable information about products from branded companies that are reliable and tested
  • The site allowed a 360 degree view of the panoramic images with hotspots that displayed layers of product information.
  • The site provides direct links to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest pages where the latest updates from the company can be viewed.
  • The ultimate website helped our client to increase the customer base and satisfy them by identifying their needs and offering information that helped them to take a decision.
emmashome- Sitefinity CMS development

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