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“Dgoldsmith is an informative website that gives detailed information about Dr David Goldsmith, a renowned professor and consultant Nephrologist of renal unit of Guy’s and Saint Thomas’ Hospital in London. The site is a great resource of information to visitors and patients related to diabetes and kidney diseases.”

goldsmith WordPress development case study
Dgoldsmith WordPress based website


  • The prime motive of the website was to provide relevant information about kidney related disease and information about Dr. David Goldsmith to the visitors or patients in a user friendly manner.
  • The key requirement of the site was to increase the visitor’s interest in various services offered by the doctor and find suitable solutions for the people suffering from the disease.
  • The client wanted a flexible, feature rich and easy to use web content management platform and was keen to work with a company that could present the project with fresh eyes and create something special for the people suffering from kidney diseases.


Solutions that fulfilled the DGoldsmith’s requirements

  • We spent a few sessions with the clients, understanding the concepts and business requirements. Our development team tried to have a clear idea about the services and how Dr. Goldsmith could provide assistance to patients. Then they established how best the site could work for him.
  • There was a great need of underlying simplicity to the website so that visitors could easily find the relevant information they were searching.
  • Our expert team chose WordPress CMS for this as it is an open source option and has a large community support building plugins and the core platform.
  • Since we have used WordPress for many of our major clients successfully we had developed some internal expertise on the platform. This easy to use platform helps to successfully present important message and design powerful and beautifully crafted project pages.
  • All the designed templates are responsive, so that the site can be easily accessed from various devices like smartphones, tablets and mobile devices having different screen resolutions.
  • The final design offers simplicity and the muted colours and the simple and clear use of white spaces are used as a means to engage the users and lead them through the informative website.
Technology Given
CMS Platoform
Front-End Technology


Created Website easy to manage, upload and edit the web content

  • After the site was developed, our client was able to easily manage, upload and edit the web content related to the services offered and other information related to kidney disease with only few steps.
  • The WordPress platform offered rich features and easy navigation menus and this of course helped to increase traffic to the site.
  • In order to provide a quick appointment, we integrated a form that gathered the essential details of the visitor. This integration allowed the users to quickly make an appointment with the doctor.
Dgoldsmith- WordPress CMS Development

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