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“ “Accessories for me” is the online name for Suzimit’s ladies fashion accessories shop that is dedicated to offer the customers a huge range of exclusive Hats, Bags, Shoes, Head Dresses and exclusive fascinators etc. The company works hard to make sure that all its customers have a wonderful shopping experience and the products enhance their special day. They are committed to bringing the best accessories for all occasions and offer high quality service. ”

Accessories-for-Me Ecommerce store
Accessories-for-Me Ecommerce development case study


  • The client had a ZenCart powered ecommerce website that was built about six years ago and had been maintained and updated within the existing structure.
  • But with the growth of the business, they needed to build on some new business processes that included the use of RSS feeds, social media, simple online payment options and introduce Ebay to their operations.
  • They also wanted to improve their product image gallery and wanted a fresh look of the website that was responsive and was in line with their business strategies.


Solutions that fulfilled the Accessories for Me’s requirements

  • Our years of experience in ecommerce helped us create an effortless buying experience for “Accessories for me” users.
  • Our developers restructured the menu and product categories to help shape the website and functionality of each page and ensure that the site was primed for ecommerce success.
  • We also ported the existing database and created a fully responsive website that functions seamlessly across desktop, smartphone and tablet.
  • In addition to these, IDS Logic also managed their hosting and domain services and created an Ebay store to complement their online store.
Technology Given
CMS Platoform


Solution help to expand market base & offer quality service

  • The site is fully responsive and user friendly and this has helped their customers to gain access to the website from any device and from anywhere.
  • The latest website has enabled our client to expand their market base and offer high quality service to their customers ensuring that they are truly happy.
Accessories-for-Me case study

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