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Magento Sphinx Search vs Magento Elasticsearch: Here is Everything You Should Know

Ecommerce industry is growing faster with every passing year. With a surge in competition level, it has become extremely difficult to achieve higher conversion rate and revenue for the business. If you have invested in Magento web development, then you must be expecting a great return on investment.

One of the best ways to achieve this is to integrate the search engine in your Magento store. When it comes to the eCommerce search engine, there are plenty of options available online. But, here, we’ll discuss the two popular search engines i.e., Sphinx Search and Elasticsearch. Let’s take a deeper look to this post.

Purpose of Search Engine

The main objective of integrating search engine to your Magento store is to display the relevant search results to the visitor’s queries. If your store failed to provide the accurate and fast search results, then it will compel them to find the better alternatives. Thus, leading to loss of sales and revenue.

Essential Functionalities of Search Engine

  1. Auto completion of the users’ queries
  2. Spellings auto-correction of the users (in case of mistake)
  3. Highlighting the search query
  4. Provides geospatial search
  5. Management of the synonyms (when users can’t remember the exact product word)
  6. Real-time updates of product pricing, stock availability, etc.
  7. Provide product suggestions based on the users’ activities

What is Magento Elasticsearch?

Elasticsearch is a renowned feature of Magento search that is available by default. It is one of the most used search engine all across the globe. This Java based search engine stores JSON documents, and allows interaction in a native manner.

In simple words, it has been designed to manage the text-based queries as well as understands the analytical questions.

Advantages of Elasticsearch


Elasticsearch is an excellent option for increasing your product database effortlessly. It improves the search capabilities along with the product database.

Enhanced Security

With Elasticsearch, you will get a robust security analytics tool. This aids in detecting various security threats, broken links, unauthorized access, and web server issues.

Real-time Indexing

There are times when you need to update the data of your Magento store instantly. In that case, Elasticsearch is the effective option as it indexes the data change in real-time faster.

Disadvantages of Elastisearch

Language Barrier

Elasticsearch doesn’t provides multi-language support. This will become quite challenging to handle requests and responses.

Requirement of SSD

In general, Elaticsearch will need a group of servers with 64 GB RAM capacity to function smoothly. Having multiple small servers will unnecessary increase the storage cost.

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What is Sphinx Search?

Sphinx Search is an open-source search engine that is programmed in C++ language. It allows batch indexing and data search stored in an SQL database, and finds data speedily.

Advantages of Sphinx Search

Fast & Powerful

With a search speed of 500+ queries per second to 1,000,0000 documents, it has shown a terrific progress over the couple of years.

Building ResultSet in Parallel

Sphinx Search Engine helps in generating the different results from the similar data at the same time by utilizing a limited memory.

Disadvantages of Sphinx Search

There is only one shortcoming of Sphinx Search i.e., it is not apt for the eCommerce websites that have to manage the unstructured data like Docs, PDFs, and MP3s.

For the successful integration of the search engine to your Magento store, it is strongly recommended to look for the trusted Magento development company. They have relevant skills and knowledge to handle this task with an efficacy.

Summary: Displaying the quick and speedy search results is vital for the Magento store to retain your existing customers and acquiring the new ones. Integrating search engine like Magento Sphinx Search and Magento Elasticsearch will be the effective option to fulfill your objective.

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