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Top Ecommerce Features that Shoppers Look for in an E-Store

As an online brand or retailer, the success of your business depends on long term customer loyalty. And in this experience driven world, it is no surprise that a positive experience often helps to develop company-customer relationships. More than half of the customers are unlikely to make a purchase from the companies that don’t offer a great user experience and they avoid the brand after a single negative experience.

Top Ecommerce Features that Shoppers Look for in an E-Store

But what do you Mean by a Positive Experience?

The definition of a positive experience is that the brand should offer a great user journey and think beyond perks like shipping speed and easy return policies to make a great impact.  Fulfillment experiences and seamless delivery are now the new norm as are streamlined purchasing stages that offer easy access to product information.

Here in this article, let’s discuss the different options that shoppers demand from an e-store:

Online customers always look for convenience and instant ease of access to the online store no matter whatever device they are using. So, your online ecommerce development store should always be built on responsive design templates and the features needed to for the users so that they can access it any time and from anywhere. Since older design templates are not always structured to be flexible for various screen sizes that are available nowadays, adopting a responsive design can help to support all the devices that access the internet.

Competitive or Free Shipping:

According to a research it is stated that about 81% of the online shoppers agree that free shipping is something, which is considered to be the most important aspect of checking out online. Other shipping options also scored high but the ones offering an estimated shipping total to the shoppers. Many shopping carts were just abandoned because of an unexpected high total after the shipping charges were added. So offering free shipping may help increase your customers.

Tips to Keep Your Ecommerce Business Agile While it Scales

High Quality Images and Photos:

There is a common saying that a picture speaks a thousand words.  And in the case of an ecommerce website development, this is 100% true as the product images influence the online shoppers a lot in ways that have helped them to take a final decision. Product photos are crucial as online shoppers are unable to touch or try the product they are interested in.  So the product images should be crystal clear and for that you should use cameras having a high resolution. The photos should be taken from various angles to give a clear idea with Zoom options. But this does not mean that the pictures should be overly enhances as it will mislead the shoppers and will not server them well.

Reviews of the Product:

Another most important thing that needs consideration is the reviews from other customers. Online shoppers always look for product reviews before taking a final decision and they trust online review as much as personal recommendations. It is crucial to offer the shoppers with customer reviews of the products and this is an effective selling tactic for the online business. You can also include video reviews in the customer reviews for a more detailed personal experience and share how to use tutorials.


Today’s shoppers try to avoid crowds and save time while making a purchase. With the online retail industry growing rapidly, there are a few things that retailers need to consider, especially the ones that the shoppers actually look for.

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