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5 Best WordPress Plugins to Boost Rankings in 2021

Building a WordPress website is not a cakewalk as there are various aspects that need prime attention like design, development, content creation, testing, and a lot more. It takes ample time and efforts in the WordPress development to deliver splendid results.

5 Best WordPress Plugins to Boost Rankings in 2021

When you’ve invested your precious time in the website and content development, it is important that it should reach out to the maximum audience. To communicate with your prospects in a better way, you have to focus on improving your SEO ranking. There are lots of WordPress plugins that you can install right away to skyrocket your rankings.

“It is utmost important that you choose any WordPress plugin by assessing your business requirements carefully, and then only take the final step”.

Here are a few WordPress plugins that will provide higher rankings in 2021:


Yoast is a powerful WordPress plugin that is developed to enhance your SEO efforts. Many WordPress website owners utilize this plugin for the sake of improving their content readability., and creating compelling meta title and description for the posts for gaining online visibility.

Rank Math

Another popular WordPress plugin in the list is Rank Math that comes with an interactive and user-friendly interface. This plugin helps in optimizing and giving real-time insights about the content as you write. With Rank Math, you will get a fast loading time as compared to the Yoast.

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If you want your content to have an improved readability, visibility, and internal linking, then you should definitely opt for this WordPress plugin. It utilizes NLP (Natural Language Processing) to make your content discoverable on the search engines, and makes your writing more engaging.

W3 Total Cache

Website speed is an essential ranking factor for the search engines. With W3 Total Cache plugin, you can enhance the speed by caching, minification, and CDN integration, and provide a delightful user experience throughout. It comes with caching capabilities, reduces page load time, and provides ranking on SERPs.


The use of heavy images on the website takes a toll on its speed. Today, users expect a website to load in three seconds, and if it does not load on time, it will turn them off in no time. With the help of these plugin, you can optimize the size of images for boosting the speed of your website.

For the successful installation of any of these plugins, it is recommended to hire WordPress developers. They have the right expertise and knowledge to perform this task with an efficacy.

Summary: When it comes to WordPress plugins for improving search engine indexing, there are many options available online. You have to choose the one that fits well with your business needs.

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