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Keeping Up With Standards and Changing Regulations

Maintaining and operating the hosting infrastructure effectively is a fundamental need for any successful business. Offering protection and updating complex infrastructure can be really challenging as it requires great expertise, effective management of technology and processes. With crucial business assets in dispersed environments, managing a perfect infrastructure effectively in-house may be at times very difficult. But with IDS Logic, things have become easier. Our 24X7 hosting infrastructure monitoring in India allows you to detect faulty hardware, track performance in a timely manner and provide proactive maintenance.

Our Key Services Include:

Our fully hosted infrastructure solutions enable our clients to effectively manage their public clouds, private clouds, remotely hosted environment, virtualized environment or any combination of these.


Server Monitoring:

We offer remote infrastructure management and round the clock monitoring of your servers. We check availability and utilization of memory, disk space, network bandwidth and processing at specific intervals and resolve any issues that lead to server downtime or crashes.

Data Security Monitoring

Our hosting infrastructure services help us to monitor the security policy of your organization and update it regularly to protect it against any attacks and misuse. We take the entire burden to keep track of compliance requirements changes and administer your firewall policies and rule management services.

Network Performance Monitoring

We continuously monitor critical metrics of network devices and the performance of critical resources like switches, firewalls and routers. Our monitoring tools can dramatically improve your complex network environments and help you identify issues and address them before they result in outages.

Storage and Backup Services:

We monitor key resources and storage solutions to ensure peak performance and send alerts through SMS or emails in case of any issues. We also suggest solutions for backup management and data recovery in case of any system failure or IT disaster.

Improve Your Hosting Environment!

We engage with you to understand the way your organization works so that we can offer the best solution to face even the most complex challenges. Our professionals are trained individuals who are fully equipped to solve demanding technical issues and are capable of delivering broader monitoring and response capabilities.

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